Venus in Furs

Sound of the day: Venus in Furs. Written and composed by Lou Reed, the song is from the Velvet Underground's first album, The Velvet Underground & Nico, released in 1967 and today considered one of the best rock albums of all times. It's best to let David Bowie talk about it. Fan from the outset, he is 19 years old when his then manager brings back this album from the United States and he listens to it for the first time: “Everything I both felt and didn’t know about rock music was opened to me on one unreleased disc. […] This music was so savagely indifferent to my feelings. It didn’t care if I liked it or not. It could give a fuck. It was completely preoccupied with a world unseen by my suburban eyes. […] (Bowie grew up in Bromley, a suburb of London). I was hearing a degree of cool that I had no idea was humanly sustainable. Ravishing. One after another, tracks squirmed and slid their tentacles around my mind.”

These words are from an essay written by David Bowie and published in 2003 for the New York Magazine.